Friday, December 4, 2009

Chemjobber C&EN Index: 11/23/09

Industrial positions (non-academic, non-governmental):
Total number of ads: 1
- Postdocs: 0
- Permanent positions: 1

- Ratio of US/non-US: 0/0
Area: 14
Week to week Index trend: Up, slightly. 

Governmental positions (US, international):
Total number of ads: 0

- Postdocs: 0
- Permanent positions: 0

- Ratio of US/non-US: 0/0
Area: 0
Week to week Index trend: Flat.

Academic positions:
Total number of ads: 23
- Postdocs: 4+
- Tenure-track faculty: 26+

- Temporary faculty: 0
- Lecturer positions: 0
- Staff positions: 3
- Ratio of US/non-US positions: 26+/4+

- Area (square cm): 1672
Week to week Index trend: Up.

Well: One lousy ad for a microbiologist. There is that whole Christmas thing to consider; things get slow around then. 

But if you're thinking about being a professor...: Still lots of ads. Is anyone having any luck obtaining anything? 

Sprechen zie Deutsch?: Something called "Universitat Tubingen" (the University of Tubingen, I imagine) put a big ol' quarter-panel ad in this week's issue entirely in German. While I'm sure that it was appropriately aimed at all the German grad students and postdocs in the US, it was a little weird. Best of luck to candidates for the "Professur fur Analytische Chemie" position, which has something to do with "Chemo- und Biosensorik." 

Your stimulus dollars at work: If I had a penny for every ad looking for professors to work in areas like energy, renewable energy or superawesomesunnygreen energy, I'd be a rich fella. Good luck to these folks who get these positions -- either this will be a trend that will fade like feathered hair or we'll all be driving solar-powered Priuses in ten years. 

Small college of the week: The College of Mount Saint Vincent (Riverdale, NY, student population: 1,927 - SA-LUTE!) is looking for a physical chemist. If you want to teach college in the Bronx, this might be for you! 

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looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20