Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Daily Pump Trap: 11/15/11 edition

Good morning! Between November 10 and November 14, there were 43 new positions posted on the ACS Careers website. Of these, 26 (60%) are academically connected.

San Diego, CA: Shimadzu is looking for yet another field service engineer. A.A. in electrical engineering or equivalent experience. Do you think there's a skills test? "Put on this blindfold and take apart with HPLC with a can opener."

Louisville, KY: Brown-Forman is interested in hiring a chemical engineer to be its director of process R&D. Brown-Forman happens to own, among other brands, Jack Daniels'. Huh -- sounds interesting.

Sacramento, CA: AMPAC Fine Chemicals is looking for a B.S./M.S./Ph.D. process chemist. Experience starts at 5 years for B.S. chemist candidates and descends. They're been regularly posting positions since at least late 2010. Interesting.

Bay Area: Genentech is looking for two positions, a Ph.D. chemist position in lead generation (3 - 10 years experience required) and one for a Ph.D. medicinal chemist with 6+ years experience. (N.B. I'm guessing it's Genentech, not Lawrence Livermore that's looking for a medicinal chemist.)

Toledo, OH: HA International LLC is looking for a B.S. research chemist with 4-8 years of ceramics experience. "The successful candidate will develop a full understanding of the types, uses and applications of refractory minerals, binders, suspension and defoaming agents, and other modifiers used in the formulation of refractory coatings." Come again?

Valencia, CA: Pharmavite is a vitamin manufacturer; they're looking for a B.S. QC chemist. 


  1. Ugh...Tennessee Swill!!!

    Luckily they make up for it with Woodford Reserve and Old Forrester. The latter of which I "caught and released" a fifth over a girl...

  2. Ampac has been "hiring" for that same position since at least 2008/2009. They either have an insanely high rate of turnover or the position doesn't really exist, it's just there to make it look like they're growing.

  3. ACS doesn't have the dream job of childhood listed though. NASA has opened up the applicant pool for scientists/engineers in the astronaut program for the 1st time in several years.


    Don't talk to me about odds--you never know, someone reading this website might have the qualifications to be in the lucky 0.00001%

  4. @6:59pm - odds are probably much lower than that considering all the astronauts Obama has put out of work. I hope the out-of-work astronauts get first dibbs on these jobs and can continue their life long dream career through bumming rides off of Russia. No US astronaut is going to be on a US space shuttle as all our space shuttles have been decomissioned. How's that for "Hope and Change?" Many engineers in companies that supported NASA are out of work too. Raytheon pretty much laid off an entire town as a result of the cuts to the space program.

  5. @4:28

    I hate to cry foul here and get all "political" on chemjobber (sigh ... here we go again.) But how is this not Congress's fault? Wasn't it the likes of Mitch McConnell etc. etc. that vetoed basic legislation on principle like extended unemployment benefits. Didn't we have to listen to a full 8 months of debate against funding Planned Parenthood and NPR? Isn't West Virginia the same cultural mecca that boosts a shoddy creationist museum? How do these rural districts that have been left behind since 90's grasp these problems?


looks like Blogger doesn't work with anonymous comments from Chrome browsers at the moment - works in Microsoft Edge, or from Chrome with a Blogger account - sorry! CJ 3/21/20