Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Job posting: business analyst, KiWi Power Ltd., London, UK

Via Twitter, a position with Kiwi Power, a power technology company in London:
Job specification: Business analyst, KiWi Power Ltd. 
What: The role consists of a number of functions, as listed below.
  • Technical writing. The role will include the preparation of grant proposals. Preparation of grants requires an amount of technical reporting, ranging from market assessment and business models in demand response to specific technical solutions – such as platform-level documentation, use cases, IT infrastructure system descriptions etc. In many cases, reference materials are already available in house, and need to be collated to match the appropriate reporting formats and scope.
  • Automation. Many day-to-day operational tasks have evolved to be carried out on a manual basis. Most of these tasks are readily amenable to automation through augmentation of the rapidly-customisable CRM. The candidate will be expected to familiarise themselves with the design of the CRM, and to suggest, design and implement improvements to the data structure in order to allow this automation.
  • Reporting. The company regularly publishes reports of performance, earnings and operational data. The candidate will be responsible for gathering data necessary to create new reports or migrate old reports from the legacy system where applicable. Report data will be gathered from a data warehouse to which the candidate will be expected to add new fields and objects where necessary.
Who: Graduate-level degree in Science / Engineering / Computing or similar with a desire to learn more about technology in general; power markets, systems and demand response in particular. Previous exposure to EC-funded projects would be a plus but not mandatory....
A comment from the poster: "On the up side, it’s in the middle of London and is a good fit for a physical scientist looking for an exit strategy. On the down side, I’m pretty sure it’d be reporting to me."

Full listing here. Inquiries to apease@kiwipowered.com - best wishes to those interested. 

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